Monday 3 January 2011

The Blueberry Tea Cosy featured on the French Etsy Blog

Today I rushed over to my regular yarn shop. I had seen some gorgeous organic cotton yarn and I intended to buy loads in preparation for the bath gift sets I am working on. So, I was a little dejected...annoyed with myself for having procrastinated. I should have bought it there and then, I kept telling myself. That was followed by a less than average meal in a place that had received some fantastic reviews. A waste of time and money, I thought. On the way home, the snow began to fall. It was light snow, so it didn't bother me. So, when I got home, I finished off a tea cosy I had been working on earlier in the day, then logged on to find an uplifting convo on Etsy from Celessa on Etsy who informed me that she had featured my Blueberry tea cosy in her treasury, and that this same treasury had been featured on the French Etsy blog! C'est magnifique! Merci beaucoup Celessa et Etsy! Je suis sur excitée!

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